Monday, July 9, 2012

In the words of ...

If you know me at all, you know that country music is a huge part of my life. For many reasons. When I'm in my car, windows down and my music up loud, it always bring me back to the memory of driving with my family to this little lake, known as: Panther Lake, to spend an entire day swimming with my country lovin' family. Or, being at my uncles house with country blaring through these ginormous speakers. Now that I'm away at school, country has really kept home with in my heart. But unfortunately this blog isn't to prove to anyone how much I love country, nor to try a persuade you to drop your classical jams and pick up that country twang - but just to speak my mind.

It's almost middle of July and a lot has happened since May. Not all good things either. Actually, this summer has probably been one of the most heart-breaking summers I've ever experienced. But as I sit here, I really think about all that bad and how it's going to be used for something good, even great. I think about the people in my life who have come, and gone. I think about the people that have shattered my heart. And more importantly I think about the God that remains the same. That loving, just, caring God, that even when my tears hit the pillow He is holding me so tight in His arms, I have the strength to keep fighting. All those negative things have a positive attached to the end, and though I can't always see it; I know its coming.

It's also hitting me that I'm a senior in college. When I think back to the time where I was just a wee little freshmen, moving into this rather small liberal arts school, I think about these two girls who have changed my life. These two have seen me at my worst, and loved me.

Freshmen year, spring semester.
Freshmen year, fall semester.

The top photo is a picture of my dear friend Emily. Let me introduce you to Emily. She has the kindest hearts anyone would ever be so lucky enough to know. She loves with all of her heart and though sometimes she holds back, her courage to push on through some of the hardest decisions really encourages me. She ended up transferring because what I knew what was best for me wasn't the best for her. And though we are in two different places, I wouldn't trade a thing.

The bottom photo is a picture of my Katie. This girl right here has SO much passion. More passion than anyone I know. When this girl wants something; she fights for it. We've had one of the most strangest relationships. We've been so close, but there was definitely a time in our life, where our relationship struggled. (don't worry, we're A-Okay now). This girl has taught me so much about life, love and fighting for my dreams, I wouldn't ask for anyone better.

Okay, okay. I know right now (if you're still reading this) how the heck does this tie into country music, Kristin's rough heart breaking summer and these two girls. Well. Honestly, I don't actually have a clear answer. I'll tell you that country music for me helps heal my heart and I'll tell you that though both of these relationships have hit some really rough spots... something good has come out of it. So though, I may not have it all together now, but in the twisted words of Jesus, these girls and Rascal Flatts: Keep holding on.

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