Thursday, April 19, 2012

The End.

I'm sitting at my desk watching the clock dwindle down to the complete end of my Junior year. I also look down at that huge 'Due before May 5th' list I've created. I don't understand how professors think I'm suppose to spend time with people who are leaving and enjoy whats left when I have papers, projects and tests to complete. I guess I've always been a sucker for relationships. I'm not saying I don't have good time management skills, that's not the problem - but when it comes to cherishing the moment, or sitting alone doing my paper the decision is hard. I'm not ready for change. I know change is often times good, and some people say it keeps us young; but I'm not ready to let go of what I have now. I guess throughout the next fourteen days of the semester, I'll make the goal to enjoy and soak up every last bit of the now (while writing each and every paper,) only looking forward to even better times in the future. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I like the Yankees:) I like music. I like Katie Male. I like garbage plates. and I love Jesus.